My stuff. Their stuff. And nostalgic stuff. This is the blog of Erin Hanson, Recovering Lazyholic.

Design, WWW Dot Erin Hanson Design, WWW Dot Erin Hanson

No Expiration Eggnog

The holidays may be over but my love for eggnog endures. I don’t recall when the thirst began, but I know for once it’s not a holdover from my childhood. This is an adult thing, so with that I admit that the adult version is what I’m partial to.

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WWW Dot, Homebody Erin Hanson WWW Dot, Homebody Erin Hanson

How Many Plants

Three years into my pandemic plant hoarding journey, my alive to dead stats are ok, but could be better. Our house is walls of windows, but I still struggle with securing reliable spots with the right light.

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Nostalgia, Pop Culture Erin Hanson Nostalgia, Pop Culture Erin Hanson

That Percent of the 90s

There are moments in our lives that we feel tethered to, where nostalgia plants its roots, and the associated memories bundle into tidy decades where we can easily revisit them. VH-1 churned out hours of content so we could revel in our past. Portlandia turned a decade into a song (raise your hand if you went to the Jim Rose Circus). Fashion trends are cut from the past and sewn into something new (or turned into chokers).

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