Attention unlazy folks! Do you make, do you do? Have you found the key to conquering inactivity? If the answer is yes, then you've already taken care of the hardest steps. Now comes the easy part -- share your success with the world, joining others in supporting the battle against laziness. Easily become a member of the Recovery Program in the following ways:
SUBMIT INSPIRING WORK -- Have something neat you think others would like to see? Send it my way, and I may post it on the site. If it's your own work, feel free to include a little about yourself. If you're sending a little gem you found on the world wide web (say... the best dachshund picture EVER), be sure to include a link to the artist so I can credit them.
SHOW OFF YOUR RECOVERY ROOM -- Show me where the magic happens. I'm looking for images and information about work spaces, which I'll feature in a series called Recovery Rooms. Send to, and include a short bio and information about what medium you work in.
BRAG ABOUT HOW YOU WHIPPED LAZINESS'S ASS -- Leave a message in the Support Group with your Prescription for Doing.
Thanks for sleeping less and sharing more!
Your partner in unlaziness,